Business and Human Rights Governance Challenges in Times of Complexity and Crisis?

International Conference „Business and Human Rights Governance Challenges in Times of Complexity and Crisis?“

Court Room 600 Palace of Justice, International Nuremberg Principles Academy

Heilig-Geist-Saal, City of Nuremberg

The Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, in collaboration with the International Nuremberg Principles Academy and the City of Nuremberg, organized the International Conference on „Business and Human Rights Governance Challenges in Times of Complexity and Crisis“ from September 24-26, 2023. Approximately 100 participants from around the world, including professors, representatives from civil society and business sectors, as well as PhD and Master students from FAU and other international universities, actively participated in this three-day conference. A significant number of participants attended virtually, given that all the sessions were streamed online.

After the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award Ceremony and the Nuremberg Peace Table (Nürnberger Friedenstafel) on Sunday, September 24, 2023, the conference commenced in Courtroom 600 of the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg. Professor Christoph Safferling, the Director of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy, opened the conference with a welcome speech, followed by a keynote address delivered by Professor Andrew Clapham from the Geneva Graduate Institute.

On Monday, September 25, 2023, the conference continued in the Heilig-Geist-Saal with welcome and opening speeches by the Lord Mayor of Nuremberg, Marcus König, and the President of FAU, Joachim Hornegger. It proceeded with panel discussions centered on rethinking corporate purposes, stakeholder participation and rights-holders claim, and the responsibilities of corporations. The day concluded with an input by the 2023 Nuremberg International Human Rights Awardee, Malcolm Bidali. On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, the final day of the conference started with a keynote delivered by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development, Professor Surya Deva, highlighting the role of businesses in realising the right to development. This was followed by panels discussing topics such as migration and labour, climate justice, and corporate complicity in international crimes. The conference terminated with Professor Heiner Bielefeldt’s closing remark. It summarized the primary outcomes of the preceding discussions and left the audience with reflective thoughts, emphasizing the significance of hope and simplicity in times of complexity and crisis.

Please find the Conference Programme and a list of the speakers and their affiliations here.