Artificial Intelligence: Human Rights Chance or Challenge?

FAU Human Rights Talks

Artificial Intelligence: Human Rights Chance or Challenge? – FAU Students in Dialogue with Human Rights Judges

9 June 2024, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg School of Business and Economics, WiSo, Findelgasse 9, 90402 Nürnberg

The FAU Human Rights Talks can be attended online (register here) or in person. To participate in person, please register by email (, stating your name, institutional affiliation and field of work. Participation is free of charge.

The use of AI represents both an opportunity and a challenge for human rights protection. Its ability to analyse vast amounts of data can expedite investigations and enhance access to justice, potentially streamlining proceedings.
However, concerns persist regarding AI’s potential biases, transparency issues, and the need to balance efficiency with safeguarding human rights, highlighting the necessity for careful implementation and oversight in human rights proceedings. In interactive sessions, FAU students will explore chances and challenges and discuss with members of the three regional human rights courts, namely Justice Dennis Dominic Adjei and Registrar Robert Eno (African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights), Judge Verónica Gómez (Inter-American Court of Human Rights), and Judge Tim Eicke (European Court of Human Rights).

You can download the programme here.