
From 30 April 2024 every Tuesday in the summer semester at 6.15 pm in the Kollegienhaus (Universitätsstraße 15, Erlangen).

Anti-Semitic images of the enemy are not a relic of the “eternally yesterday”, nor are they only found in certain marginalised milieus. Rather, anti-Semitic positions are constantly linking up with new political and social crises – most recently, for example, the coronavirus crisis, widespread fears of social decline and geopolitical conflicts, not just in the Middle East. In addition to elements of historical continuity – the deadly hatred of Jews – new and often confusing facets are also constantly emerging. Although anti-Semitism poses a particular threat to Jews, it also represents a danger to democracy as a whole. With abstruse conspiracy fantasies, it poisons democratic discourse and destroys democratic culture. Anti-Semitism is a global problem, but it is also currently flaring up with renewed vigour in Germany – the country that planned and carried out the extermination of the European Jews. Right-wing circles in particular feel emboldened by this to demand a radical change in German remembrance policy.

The lecture series – organised by the Center Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN) and the “Ethics of Textual Cultures” course – will focus on the question of what needs to be done to effectively combat anti-Semitism. What political, educational, civil society and criminal law measures are required? Can partial successes – as well as setbacks – be recorded? Under what conditions can prevention work succeed in different social and political milieus? The discussion of such questions requires knowledge of the historical development of anti-Semitism and its diverse manifestations – mostly in connection with crises and conflicts. These topics will also be addressed. In addition to lectures from various disciplines, civil society initiatives from the city of Erlangen and the region will also present their work and experiences.

The lecture series is intended to set an example against rampant anti-Semitism. Therefore, in addition to members of the FAU, social groups and initiatives are also invited to actively participate in the events.