



Bantayehu Demlie Gezahegn

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Eklavya Vasudev

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Isabel Kienzle

Doctoral Researcher

Katharina König

Doctoral Researcher

Paula Arruda

Doctoral Researcher

Yasemin Bekyol, M.Sc.

Research Assistant at the project "Gesundheit! Inclusion in the Nursing and Care Sector"

Anja Blümlein

Doctoral Researcher

Thi Minh Chau Bui, M.A.

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Kateryna Buriakovska

Postdoc Researcher

Loren Bustos

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Natalia Bórquez

Doctoral Researcher

Otgontuya Davaanyam

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Shuvra Dey

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Matthias Fertig

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Mirka Fries

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Eva Gengler, M. Sc.

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Kania Mezariani Guzaimi

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Klemens Hering

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Mareike Höcker

Doctoral Researcher

Xu Kang

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Marie-Sophie Keller

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

S. Mahdi Khodaei

PhD Candidate

Jonathan Kießling

Doctoral Researcher

Felix Krauß

Doctoral Researcher

Omri Levin

Doctoral Researcher

Jakob Nehls

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Nelson Otieno

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

My Hanh Pham

Doctoral Researcher

Alicja Polakiewicz

Doctoral Researcher

Sabrina Rau

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Stephanie Regalia

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Sonja Reinhold, LL.M.

Research Assistant at the project "Match'In - Pilot project for the distribution of protection seekers using an algorithm-based matching procedure"

Bruna Singh

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Supriya Singh

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Milena Störmer, M.A.

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Luca Szente

Doctoral Researcher

Tino Trautmann

Research assistant the project "Flight and Refugee Research: Networking and Transfer (FFVT)"

Theresa Wagner

Research assistant at the project "Gesundheit! Participation in the health and care sector"

Monireh Zahedi Galougahi

Doctoral Researcher

Marcela Zúñiga

Doctoral Researcher


Sandra Ehard


Silvia Krönig


Blerina Bajrami

Student Assistant

Paula Maag

Student Assistant

Florian Plzack

Student Assistant

Nathalie Schneider

Student Assistant

Marleen van Doesburg

Student Assistant