Marcela Zúñiga

Doctoral Researcher

Honorary Professor for Constitutional Comparative Law and Protection of Human Rights


Topic of the dissertation: “Compliance with the international obligation to repair at the national level in the Chilean legal system: analysis of institutional violence cases.”


  • Lawyer from Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Master’s degree in International Human Rights Law from Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
  • Lecturer of Public International Law and researcher at the Human Rights Center of Universidad Diego Portales
  • worked as a researcher for the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) and for the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA), participating in international human rights and criminal justice projects
  • served as a consultant for UNICEF on projects concerning reparations in cases of institutional violence against children
  • visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
  • Her research interests include access to justice and remedies applied to vulnerable groups in democratic contexts.

Supervisor: Professor Dr. Judith Schönsteiner – Professor Dr. Laura Clérico

Expected duration of the doctoral project: 2024 September