Marie-Sophie Keller

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

IDP Business and Human Rights

Marie-Sophie Keller studied in the Netherlands, receiving her Bachelors in International and European law from the University of Groningen and her L.L.M. in European Law from Leiden University. After her Blue Book Traineeship at the European Commission (DG Comp), she spent a year in Chennai, India, working with a local NGO for environmental protection and community empowerment. Her involvement in the struggle to hold Unilever accountable for devastating mercury pollution and the systematic undermining of worker’s rights with lethal consequences marked the beginning of her continued engagement in the field of business and human rights. After her return to Germany, she worked for the international NGO network “International Civil Society Centre” and became an active member of attac, a network for global justice. In the past legislative period of the German Bundestag, she assisted the left parliamentarian Michel Brandt with his work in the parliamentary Human Rights Commission and, as such, was closely involved in the process regarding the Geman due diligence law and the UN-Treaty on Business and Human Rights. Her PhD Thesis focuses on the gender aspects relating to an international due diligence regulation.