Matthias Fertig

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

IDP Business and Human Rights

Matthias Fertig studied Philosophy & Economics at the University of Mannheim and graduated in Sustainability Management at Ulm University, Germany.
Matthias is working in the sustainability department of a large automotive and industrial supplier. Independently from his job, Matthias is currently pursuing a PhD under Markus Beckmann at the Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.

His research interest is in companies’ strategic responses and actions in the context of complex institutional pressures on sustainability-related topics. In the International Doctorate Programme Business and Human Rights, Matthias focuses on the strategic adaptation of companies to multiple regulatory approaches on business and human rights (e.g. German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains, UK Modern Slavery Act) and how companies collaborate with initiatives, NGOs and other companies to shape the governance structures for human rights due diligence in supply networks.