Paula Arruda

Doctoral Researcher

Honorary Professor for Constitutional Comparative Law and Protection of Human Rights


Topic of the dissertation: From self-restraint to activism in the IACtHR and ECtHR: right to health and healthy environment adjudication in a comparative perspective


  • PhD candidate in Public Law at University of Coimbra/University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (doctoral stay- DAAD/FCT scholarship)
  • Master´s degree in International Law University of Lisbon/Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany (sandwich course)
  • bachelor’s in journalism (Methodist University of São Paulo)
  • Social Sciences at University of São Paulo
  • research assistant at the Martius Chair of German and European Studies (DAAD)-USP
  • visiting researcher in the field of Human Rights at Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Grund- und Menschenrechte, Vienna, Austria
  • researcher at Jurídico Social (JU’S) in East Timor, at the Center for Research in Law and Economics at FGV- Direito Rio de Janeiro and at Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
  • case law human rights reporter in the Oxford Reports on International Law: International Human Rights Law

Supervisor: Laura Clérico

Expected duration of the doctoral project: December 2025