Stephanie Regalia

Doctoral Researcher IDP Business and Human Rights

Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law
Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht, Völkerrecht und Menschenrechte

Room: Room 02.017
Wetterkreuz 15
91058 Erlangen
IDP Business and Human Rights

Stephanie Regalia studied English law and French law at King’s College London and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne for her bachelor’s degree. She completed a dual master’s degree in Energy & Environment at Sciences Po and Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, where she was the project manager of the 2017-2018 Business & Human Rights Clinic. Prior to joining the International Doctorate Programme Business and Human Rights at FAU, Stephanie worked in the human rights non-profit sector and trained as a lawyer in France.

Stephanie’s research project analyses the nature of the obligation for businesses to conduct due diligence in mandatory human rights due diligence laws, including the German LkSG and the French Duty of Vigilance Law. By identifying the existence of ‘effectiveness requirements’, i.e., the obligation for companies to assess and prove the effectiveness of their due diligence measures, this research project questions the traditional understanding of the business obligation under these laws as focusing on process alone, as opposed to the result. The project will include a comparative analysis of effectiveness requirements as they appear in international human rights law and national corporate compliance regimes.